Pedal stroke class are starting

The class will be broken down into two 4 week segments, the first 4 weeks cover the basic movements, the second 4 weeks are drills to reinforce the use of the right muscle groups at the right time.


Bike fit

Correct use of muscles depends on the relationship between saddle to pedal, it’s impossible to teach this class without getting that relationship right.   I both fit bikes and teach pedal stroke based on center of gravity over the pedals, which is often a very different result from many fitting systems. I am available at Belmont Wheelworks, you can reach my schedule via the wheelworks website ( => services => fitting).  I will also make time available via zoom to check bike & camera set-up and check fit.

Bike & camera set-up

Camera set-up is as much for the students own feedback as it is for the teacher to be able to see the class. I created a video to show what is needed.


Trainers can be broken down into two categories, smart trainers (controlled by electronics) and dumb trainers.  The first 4 weeks put very little emphasis on effort of power, the resistance must be controllable and steady.  I feel that old style magnetic dumb trainers work best for this as they offer steady resistance even at very low levels. Smart trainers can be used, but I will be of no assistance in getting the trainer to offer the correct resistance. If you are using a smart trainer, you are expected to know how to control it.   The class involves a lot of single leg isolation, which means the other foot needs somewhere to rest. On wheel-on trainers this is not a problem. On wheel-off trainers you will need something on the sides of the bike to rest the other foot. One gallon paint cans work well - you decide on color.