Critical thinking in cycling
Why learn from an idiot?
We like to think of ourselves as smart, we like to think we know things and we like to think that we're right.
I don't think of myself as smart, I know very little, and I don't assume I'm right. I test things. Learning starts when I find out I'm not doing something well. The rest of the world seems to be avoiding that.
The point of this website is to test the common knowledge and apply critical thinking to cycling. It's a truly interesting case because a machine controls the movement of the rider, masking failure states, and allowing people to mistake it for a natural skill set. You spent the first year of your life learning how to walk. There were failures - you fell on your ass a few times, but you learned. When pedaling a bike there are no failure states, the pedal goes around the same circle no matter what you do. This doesn't mean it's a natural skill set, it means your efficiency > 0.
We can do better...